Publications and Conference Proceedings
Bahamon, J. & Rorrer, A. (2020). An Investigation of Learning Outcomes Between Two Teaching Modalities to Improve Student Learning in Online Courses. Association of Computer Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, accepted paper to 2020 conference proceedings.
Bean, K., Buch, K., Dahlberg, T., Barnes, T., Rorrer, A., & Cagley, L. (2014). An innovative partnership between national and regional partners: STARS meets McPie. Prism: A Journal of Regional Engagement, 3(2), 119-130.
Boyer, K., Thomas, N., Rorrer, A., Cooper, D., & Vouk, M. (2010) Increasing technical excellence, leadership and commitment of computing students through Identity-Based Mentoring. Association of Computer Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, March 2010.
Cao, L., Rorrer, A., Pugalee, D., Maher, M., Dorodchi, M., Frye, D., Barnes, T., and Weibe, E. (2020). Work in Progress: A STEM Ecosystem Approach to CS/CT for All in Middle School. Association of Computer Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, accepted paper to 2020 conference proceedings.
Cao, L., Rorrer, A. (2018). On the Efficacy of Interactive Preparatory Work in a Flipped Computing Course. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE) 2018 Conference Proceedings, Baltimore, Maryland.
Buch, K., Huet, Y., Rorrer, A. & Roberson, L. (2011). Removing the barriers to full professor: A mentoring program for associate professors. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 43, p38-45.
Dahlberg, T., Barnes, T., Buch, K. & Rorrer, A. (2011). The STARS Alliance: Viable strategies for broadening participation in computing. Transactions on Computer Education, Special Issue on Broadening Participation, 11 (3), Article 18, 25 pages.
Dahlberg, T., Barnes, T., & Rorrer, A. (2007) The STARS Leadership Model for broadening participation in computing. American Society of Electrical Engineers and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2007 37th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Dahlberg, T., Barnes, T., Rorrer, A., Powell, E., Cairco, L. (2008). Improving retention and graduate recruitment through immersive research experiences for undergraduates. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE) 2008 Conference Proceedings, Portland, Oregon.
Dahlberg, T., Barnes, T., Rorrer, A., Seals, C., Lustria, M., Hawkes, L. (2007). The STARS Leadership Corps: Case studies in broadening participation in computing Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE) 2007 Conference Proceedings, Covington, Kentucky.
Dorodchi, M., Benedict, A., Rorrer, A., Pugalee, D., Cao, L. (accepted). Broadening the Middle School Computational ThinkingInterventions beyond Block Programming. Submitted to the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2010 (ASEE 2021).
Frevert, T., Rorrer, A., Davis, D., Latulipe, C., Maher, M., Cukic, B., Mays, L., and Rogelberg, S. (2018). Sustainable Educational Innovation Through Engaged Pedagogy and Organizational Change. 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), October, San Jose, CA.
Kooyman, L., Rorrer, A., Parikh, S., Martin, A., Vandergast, T., Pearson, J., Dickerson, A. (2010). An Integrative Teaching-Learning Model in Counselor Education. VISTAS, electronic monograph of the American Counseling Association.
Latulipe, C., Rorrer, A., Long, B. (2018). Flipped class effects on retention in CS. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE) 2018 Conference Proceedings, Baltimore, Maryland.
Maher, M., Cukic, B., Mays, L., Rogelberg, S. Latulipe, C., Payton, J., Rorrer, A., and Frevert, T. (2016). The Connected Learner: Engaging faculty to connect computing students to peers, profession, and purpose. 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Erie, PA.
Maher, M., Cukic, B., Payton, J., Latulipe, C., Rogelberg, S. and Rorrer, A. (2016). The Connected Learner: Design patterns for transforming computing and informatics education. 2015 Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing and Technology (IEEE, RESPECT) Atlanta, GA.
Maher, M., Latulipe, C., Lipford, H., and Rorrer, A. (2015). Flipped classroom strategies for CS Education. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE) 2015 Conference Proceedings, Kansas City, MO.
Payton, J., Barnes, T., Buch, K., Rorrer, A., and Zuo, H. (2015). The effects of integrating service learning into Computer Science: An inter-institutional longitudinal study, Computer Science Education (CSE), 25(3), p311-324.
Payton, J., Barnes, T., Buch, K., Rorrer, A., and Zuo, H. (May 2015). STARS Computing Corps: Enhancing engagement of women and underrepresented students in computing, IEEE Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology. RESPECT 2015, p1-6, DOI: 10.1109/RESPECT.2015.7296495 (RESPECT Exemplary Paper).
Payton, J., Barnes, T., Buch, K., Rorrer, A., Zuo, H. and Naolu,B. (2016). "Promoting computing faculty success through interinstitutional Faculty Learning Communities," 2016 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), Atlanta, GA, 2016, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/RESPECT.2016.7836163.
Payton, J., Barnes, T., Buch, K., Rorrer, A., Zuo, H., Gosha, K., Nagel, K, Napier, N., Randeree, E., Dennis, L. (2016). STARS Computing Corps: Enhancing engagement of underrepresented students and building community in computing. Computing in Science and Engineering, 18 (3), p44-57. DOI:10.1109/MCSE.2016.42.
Payton, J., Barnes, T., Rorrer, A., Buch, K., Nagel, K. (December 2016). Launching STARS Computing Corps: Engaging Faculty and Student Leaders to Broaden Participation. ACM Inroads, vol 7 (4), p61-64. DOI: 10.1145/2972956.
Rorrer, A., Allen, J., Zuo, H. (2018). A national study of undergraduate research experiences in computing: Implications for culturally relevant pedagogy. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE) 2018 Conference Proceedings, Baltimore, Maryland.
Rorrer, A., Barnes, T , Payton, J., Zuo, H. (February 2019). Challenges and Opportunities in Evaluating Broadening Participation in Computing. IEEE Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology. RESPECT 2019.
Rorrer, A., Furr, S. (2009). Film as a multicultural awareness tool for teacher education. Multicultural Perspectives, 11, p162-168.
Rorrer, A., Moghadam, S., Spencer, B., & Sun, T. (2020). eCSR: Creating intensive research experiences that cultivate community for undergraduate women and women of color. IEEE Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology. RESPECT 2020.
Rorrer, A., Pugalee, D., Boulden, D., Edwards, C., Dorodchi, M., Cao, L., Maher, M., Catete, V., Frye,D., Barnes, T., and Wiebe, E. (accepted). The Design and Implementation of an Instrument for Research Practice Partnerships. Submitted to the 52nd ACM TechnicalSymposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS 2021).
Rorrer, A., Pugalee, D., Ramaprabhu, P., Uddin, M., Cherukuri, H., and Xu, T. (accepted). Pathways to Entrepreneurship (PAtENT) Program: Reimagining STEM Doctoral Programs. Submitted to the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2010 (ASEE 2021).
Rorrer, A., Spencer, B., Davis, S., Moghadam, S , Holmes, D. and Grainger, C. (accepted). Understanding Intensive Research Experiences that Build Community, Equity and Inclusion. Submitted to the 52nd ACM TechnicalSymposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS 2021).
Rorrer, A., & Richards, B., (accepted). Enhancing Student Outcome Measures through Culturally Relevant Assessment Practices. To be published in Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education journal, Intersection (to be published summer 2020).
Rorrer, A., & Richards, B. (2020, January). Leveraging learning management systems for culturally responsive assessment practice (Equity Response). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).
Rorrer, A., & Swan, B. (2017). Developing Inclusive Lab Climates for Undergraduate Research Programs: A National Study of Computing Faculty. ICERi 2017 Proceedings: The 10th Annual International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, p7930-7936. DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2017.2118.
Rorrer, A. (2016). An evaluation capacity building toolkit for principal investigators of undergraduate research experiences: A demonstration of transforming theory into practice. Evaluation and Program Planning, 55, p103-111. DOI:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2015.12.006
Rorrer, A. (2007, 2006, 2005, 2004). Online portfolios: a useful tool in your job quest. National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Choices Magazine 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2007-2008 editions.
Smith, A. [published under maiden name] (2002). Making the most of education employment fairs. American Association for Employment in Education, 2002 Job Search Handbook for Educators.
Tokmic, F., Mazumder, S.F., Rorrer, A., Frevert, T., Maher, M., Latulipe, C. (2019). Salient Measures of an Engaged Computing Education Community. 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), October, Cincinnati, OH.
Yuan, X., Rorrer, A., Yang, L., Chu, B., Williams, K., Yu, H., Winters, K., & Kizza, J. (2017). Faculty Workshops for Teaching Information Assurance through Hands-on Exercises and Case Studies, Journal of Information Systems Education, 28 (1), (November, 2017).
Yuan, X., Williams, K., Yu, H., Chu, B., Rorrer, A., Yang, L., Kizza, J., & Winters, K. (2014). A workshop on teaching Information Assurance through case studies and hands-on experiences, Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2014), Kona, Hawaii, USA, January, 2014.
E. Wiebe, E., Barnes, T., Freeman, S., Maher, M., Cao, L., Dorodchi, M., Pugalee, D., Rorrer, A., & Boulden, D. (2019). Developing a Systemic, Scalable Model to Broaden Participation in Middle School Computer Science. 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2019, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/RESPECT46404.2019.8985931.
Refereed Presentations and Posters
Bahamon, J. & Rorrer, A. (2019) An Investigation of Learning Outcomes Between Two Teaching Modalities to Improve Student Learning in Online Courses. Association of Computer Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, accepted to 2019 conference.
Hammet, P., Jolley, S., Rorrer, A. (2005, June). Employer best practices. SoutheasternAssociation of Colleges and Employers Webinar, Coordinator and Co-presenter, Charlotte, NC.
Hannum, K., Gullickson, A., Downs, H., Rorrer, A. (2014). Mishaps, Mistakes and Mayhem as Part of Professional Evaluator Experience. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 15-18, 2014.
Maher, M., Cucik, B., Mays, L., Latulipe, C., Payton, J., Rogelberg, S., Rorrer, A. (2015). Connected Learner. RESPECT Annual Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, August 13-15, 2015.
Rorrer, A., Richardson, B. (2018). Enhancing Student Outcomes Measures through Culturally Relevant Assessment Practices. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, June 4-7, 2018.
Rorrer, A., Seibert, C., Kemis, M., Bruckerhoff, T. (2018). Assessment & Evaluation Birds of a Feather: Needs, Wants and Opportunities. NSF Revolutionizing Engineering & Computer Science Departments Annual PI Meeting, Alexandria, VA, July 10-12, 2018.
Rorrer, A., Swan, B.. (2019). Leading National Research Program through a Tiered Evaluation Approach. American Evaluation AssociationAnnual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 11-16, 2019.
Rorrer, A.(2019). How the STARS Evaluation Cohort Model Ignites Evaluation Capacity through a Multi-Site Evaluation Collaborative. American Evaluation AssociationAnnual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 11-16, 2019.
Rorrer, A., Swan, B. (2017). Developing Inclusive Lab Climates for Undergraduate Research Programs:A National Study of Computing Faculty. Sevilla, Spain, November 2017.
Rorrer, A. (2014). Doing it virtually: Online tools for managing multisite evaluation. American Evaluation Association Coffee Break Webinar, Invited Presenter, February 27, 2014.
Rorrer, A. (2012). An Evaluation Toolkit for Principal Investigators of Research Experiences for Undergraduate Programs. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 24-27, 2012.
Rorrer, A. (2011). An evaluation training program model for undergraduate students. Southeast Evaluation Association Annual Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, October 27-28, 2011.
Rorrer, A., Barnes, T., Buch, K., Doerer, S., Hassey, L. (2011). STARS Alliance: A demonstration of evaluation capacity building across multiple institutions. Eastern Education Research Association annual conference, February 23-25, 2011, Sarasota, FL.
Rorrer, A. (2010). Faculty mentoring in counselor education: Diversity advocacy for the profession. North Carolina Counseling Association annual conference, February 17-19, 2010, Concord, NC.
Rorrer, A. (2010). Reforming faculty mentoring in higher education. North Carolina Association for Research in Education annual conference, February 25-26, 2010, Winston-Salem, NC.
Rorrer, A., & Furr, S. (2009). Unveiling white privilege to future teachers through film. 8th Annual Southeastern Conference on Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling and Education, March, 2009, Savannah, Georgia.
Rorrer, A., & Martin, C. (2007). The Integrative Teaching-Learning Model for counselor education. North Carolina Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, October 19-20, 2007, Graduate Student Conference, Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory, NC.
Rorrer, A. (2007, March). Generational poverty and low SES: Client-counselor relationships.Invited diversity workshop for Support Incorporated, Gastonia, NC.
Smith, D., & Rorrer, A. (2004, May). Relationship building: preparing your organization now for the coming major college graduate shortage. National Association of Colleges and Employers 2004 Conference, Orlando, FL.
Spencer, B., Rorrer, A., & Moghadam, S. (2019). Building Evaluation Capacity through Community of Practice: the Explore Computer Science Research Project, American Evaluation AssociationAnnual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 11-16, 2019.